Letters of Credit (L生靜Cs), Standby LCs, Bank Guarantees and我頻 SWIFT Instruments

Our Trade Finance D熱哥epartment offers structured trade fi得司nance solutions to enhan個友ce working capital w他地ithout sacrificing the security of the 房內underlying goods.

Our Letters of Credit allow clients to b子對egin production with哥頻out upfront deposits or知明 collateral while ensuring 雨慢that goods are produced accor男個ding to the terms of their agreemen算讀t.

SBLCs and Bank Guarantees enable clients多子 to engage in transactions來自 that require financial assurance城關s, which might otherwise be too burden通土some to meet under i區麗ts own credit faciliti開視es.

Accounting and Backoffice Servic分懂es

If you have trouble managin明放g your businesses fina習秒nces, we’ve got you covered. We 事些can provide accounting / bookke媽坐eping services to mo鐘男nitor and control your cash flow and信身 accounts receivable.

Equipped with 25 years of ex些問pertise in trade finance呢時 and supply chain manag學現ement, we are uniquely situated to 妹現seamlessly take over your accounting 厭要needs, so you can focus on g高個rowing your business.

Contact Us to learn more請一 and take advantage of our fina員話ncial services!

Factoring – A/R Collecti輛用ons, Cash Advances, an們能d Credit Protection

For wholesalers who 我拿sell to customers on open 鐵書credit terms, we can service their鐘是 invoices in numerous ways: 來匠

(a) Cash Advances – clients can draw up to 85% of了會 your invoice value r微船ight away;

(b) Collections and Management – clients get a d秒作edicated account executive, credit dep舊著artment, and 24/7 onl務這ine tracking systems to view invoic近答es, payment, chargebacks and rela影明ted data;

(c) Credit Protection – our policies 紅廠protect our clients against 視飛customers’ bankruptcy, insolven黃美cy, and non-payment.

Incorporation Services, U相美S Bank Accounts

If your business is based outsi店學de the US, but you want to take adv數哥antage of the ample US mark體數et, then our corporate serv快藍ices are perfect for唱鄉 you. We can incorporate your些可 business in the US. 民長In addition, we can secure a US ban技紅k account on behalf of 校少your business, which allows you to eas妹近ily sell your goods in US stores an動習d ecommerce sites, and to effe業歌ct payments throughout the US.

For any inquiries, please cont友少act for more information.樂多

Purchase Order Funding

Our PO Funding programs empo那這wer clients to fulfill p懂影urchase orders from 中自creditworthy customers 朋空by providing credit fa日農cilities to pay for cost of goods a計老nd shipping.