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Leverage Johnlon’s global prese光黑nce and deep industry insights to na又金vigate new challenges fo學明r global traders. Drive prog街謝ress while Johnlon supports your 個作services from compliance program ma銀行nagement to a deep knowle煙綠dge of tariffs and trade da鄉算ta management. Our team members are co什紙mmitted to delivering r姐動esults, and with our expansive是費 global presence, no trade goals are o煙黃ut of reach.

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Trade Resources

Bureau of Industry and S習作ecurity

The Bureau of Industry & Secur生爸ity is part of the U.樹大S. Department of Commerce.  Thi訊那s government agency a讀校dministers the Export Administr區村ation Regulations (EAR) which gove快站rns all exports from the Unite街的d States, including export什歌 licensing, freight forwarder re他討sponsibilities and U.S. expor遠遠ter responsibilities.

Office of Foreign Asset Contro長農ls上草organizational-structure/offices/Pag喝愛es/Office-of-Foreign-Assets懂紅-Control.aspx

The Office of Foreign Asset Controls is業紙 part of the U.S. Department of Tr市快easury.  This gove那舊rnment agency administers and enforce人暗s economic trade sanctio年資ns based on U.S. foreign policy 上章and national security goals 厭他against targeted forei雨對gn countries, terrorists, i術近nternational narcotics tr購街affickers and other threats.

The Foreign Trade Division of金紅 the Bureau of Census問湖foreign-trade/index.html

The Foreign Trade Division of工紙 the Bureau of Census is par了新t of the U.S. Department of Com謝那merce. This government agency colle一可cts trade data on U.S. exp拍裡orts and imports.  Freight for對志warders and U.S. exporte師子rs are required to follow these regulat刀紅ions.

Directorate of Defense Trad廠是e Controls

The Directorate of Defense Trade Cont市見rols (DDTC) safeguards the村生 sale, export and re-tran黃秒sfers of defense articles and def房厭ense services in accord年就ance with the Arms E小坐xport Control Act (AE兵兒CA) and the Internatio志視nal Traffic in Arms Regulations (I妹的TAR).

The Bureau of Customs and Bo下習rder Protection

The Bureau of Customs and Border 吃工Protection (CBP) is responsible for en草美forcing hundreds of U.S.那醫 laws and regulations.  T林綠his government agency also enforces t分頻he Foreign Trade Regu城學lations on behalf of the Bureau of Cen外民sus.

Customs-Trade Partnership against 司司Terrorism那車ecurity/ports-entry/cargo跳錢-security/c-tpat-customs-trade-p票農artnership-against-terrorism

The Customs-Trade Partnership against又舞 Terrorism (C-TPAT) program s弟內eeks to safeguard the internation老南al trade industry from terrorists an對湖d maintaining the economic h物民ealth of the U.S. and通吃 its neighbors. brings together re開睡sources from across th畫路e U.S. Government to assist American 務音businesses in planning their internati請視onal sales strategies and succeed in t物對oday’s global marketplace.


While foreign regulatory systems 著化need not be identical to the U.S. 舞厭system, they must employ equivale我和nt sanitary and health mea山內sures that provide the same level of p樹雪rotection achieved domestically for im飛事ported goods.


USDA monitors the exp就用ort of products from the U.S. 你姐through a standard set of regulation醫暗s and policies.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife新空 Service

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv坐醫ices have responsibility影你 for protecting endangered species.你就 USFWS has additional respo她美nsibilities for issuing CITES Cert章用ificates and approving imp厭遠orts for certain types of 通國commodities.